What iphone is the best?


Sweeter Than Ever
What iphone would you say is the best x :D
I have the iPhone 6. I think it's amazing, I'd recommend it.
At the moment the iPhone 6s / 6s Plus and the SE are the best.
The SE is basically the iPhone 6s / 6s Plus but in the shell of an iPhone 5s.

While the SE doesn't get some things like the 2.0 fingerprint sensor, or 3D Touch, I prefer it over the 6s or the 6s Plus. I love the look of the 5s, and think the SE is a great new phone in an old phones skin.

Although come September the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus will be released, and we'll probably see better specs in them, as well as maybe some new features that are exclusive to them, and they'll be faster and more advanced than the 6s or 6s Plus. So if you're in the market for an iPhone, I'd wait until WWDC (around June) when the iPhone 7 and the 7 Plus are announced, to see if you'd prefer them.

Although personally I think I'll still end up favoring the size and look of the SE.
All iPhones are trash fam, I have a ipod, iphone and android
I phone 6s is the greatest because it has all the newest functions you could ask for.
iPhone 6s- Standard best iPhone out.

iPhone 6s Plus-if you want like that Samsung Galaxy Size


iPhone SE- Once again if you like the size and shape of the iPhone 5 and 5s
well, the iphone 6s rose gold is personally my favorite!
I got two phones one for the plug & one for the low ;)

but the IPhone SE is gr8 & IPhone 6
The 6s+ is currently best component wise. They make cases that are slim such as the "spigen" case that makes it tough as a mother. I've dropped mine so many times and shits in perfect condish.
Evidence said:
I have the iPhone 6S+, it's good unless you drop it.

This is why I got a case on my phone that way if I drop it I know it won't break lol.
iPhone 6, it's big and HD, so late at night I can watch my favorite "movies".
Ambien said:
iPhone 6, it's big and HD, so late at night I can watch my favorite "movies".

I get it... LOL 3 big black cocks go into an ebony. (But you left your bluetooth speaker downstairs :D)
coltie2 said:
Get the 6s+ if you watch "movies" at night ;) Slightly larger screen makes the difference.

Do you have the +? If so take a pic of it and show us :)