What is a good P2p moneymaker? :P


Like my last topic post, what is a good f2p moneymaker, what is a good P2p moneymaker?
above. hacking is le bestiessss
LMAO, hacking is the best moneymaker in P2p? Come on guys, give me a good method. I know that hacking can't be the only one.
Okay, what isn't a good money maker in memebers? I swear... people always ask how I made my money and I just point at the skill capes.
Well, It'd be a great amount of help if you could post your stats? :)
But yeah....Really what assangha stated. Just skill it. Eventually your cash pile will stack over time (Fishing, Dungeoneering < (Frost Dragons) Woodcutting, Combat) But also if you're good enough. Luring/Scamming.
Red sandstone to make flasks is pretty good. Even though you can only do it once a day. Make cannonballs, Slayer, killing bosses.
Hmm. Besides hacking, i mean, that's a good process.
But I've been making my cash off of charging air orbs, really.
I used to have an immense amount of fun with mort myre 'shrooms while talking in my clan chat... this was like 2 years ago though, I think they're nearly counterproductive now :p