What is the point anymore?


Power member.
Alright, I just wanted to get your opinion on something.
Question being: What is the point in owning an original gamertag anymore?
These scene is not as fun/filled as it used to be..

When you get an original gamertag, what are you going to do? Get it, show off a bit, and use it the way any other GT would be used?

Let me know, I'm curious.
Note: I'm also asking because I don't have any good GT.
Also: I'm not saying I wouldn't mind having a good tag, i'm just curious as to why you guys like them​
im not really sure. maybe just to look coll in lobbies and stuff
and who made ur sig? looks amazing
BBB said:
im not really sure. maybe just to look coll in lobbies and stuff
and who made ur sig? looks amazing

My friend illustrate.
He's real good at this kind of stuff.
Because insecure people feel the need to surround themselves with nice things so they look like a better person and get the respect they don't get from things such as their personality or achievements in life.
Kev said:
For me it does. Also, don't you have a sick gamertag that starts with a V?

No I do not sir.
And yeah I can see it repeating I guess

Phantom said:
Because insecure people feel the need to surround themselves with nice things so they look like a better person and get the respect they don't get from things such as their personality or achievements in life.

I honestly used to be an "OG Freak", but now having my name on things is enough.
I'm happy with having the alias brenton
Phantom said:
Because insecure people feel the need to surround themselves with nice things so they look like a better person and get the respect they don't get from things such as their personality or achievements in life.

I think you're digging a little deep there. I get respect from both of those things, but I still want an OG. While what you said is certainly the case for some people, for me it's just the icing on the cake. It's all about style man =] It's just one more thing to set you apart from everyone else.

A better way to look at it is this: a person would buy on OG for the same reason someone would want to buy nice clothes - we don't necessarily want to compensate for a lack of something, we just want to look good
They're very pointless now-a-days. That's coming from someone that has owned several original gamertags over the years.

People want their gamertag to look better than everyone elses to help their own ego. My point was probably slightly extreme and only aimed at people like Dura who drop $400 start bids on tags but still.
An "Original" looks better than the common tags you see around today, plus they make money. Simple as that.
I think the OG Gamertag scene will be much more alive once the Xbox 720 comes out.
Brenton said:
I honestly used to be an "OG Freak", but now having my name on things is enough.
I'm happy with having the alias brenton

Well my alias is Kev or Kevin but it'd be a pain to get the alias Kev or Kevin for stuff and probably too expensive for me since I spent pretty much all of my money on a new $2k PC.

Apock said:
I already told you on AIM, there is no point.

But you're the one who owns one of my few dream gamertags.
Kev said:
Well my alias is Kev or Kevin but it'd be a pain to get the alias Kev or Kevin for stuff and probably too expensive for me since I spent pretty much all of my money on a new $2k PC.

But you're the one who owns one of my few dream gamertags.

Yeah I feel you there.
And Apock's gamertag is fucking sexy
Honestly I don't get it either man, at the end of the day its not real, and it has no use in the "real world". I can see why you would sell them, you can make a shitload of money selling these things. But I dont really see the point of spending more than $20 on one. But then again I'm pretty fuckin poor. For the most part Phantom is right.
They use to be cool in Halo 3 now it's just ehh
Phantom said:
People want their gamertag to look better than everyone elses to help their own ego. My point was probably slightly extreme and only aimed at people like Dura who drop $400 start bids on tags but still.

lol, its on tags i really like. god lol and when i do that shit. i never get the tag.something ALWAYS happens. but im happy with O M F G so yeah poop on ur head
I'm fine with my tag, it's my dream tag & I'm glad I obtained it.

What I don't get is how people think they're above others for owning such a righteous tag. When it doesn't mean shit. I don't go around adding people on Xbox cause they're OhGee I add them because of their personality.
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