What Makes You Like To Cook?


Many people love to cook. Some cook because they are passionate about it while some cook because they want to have healthy meal.

So why do you love to cook?
I can cook microwave stuff on pre made stuff in the oven but nothing homemade. I once burned vegetables.
7777 said:
I can cook microwave stuff on pre made stuff in the oven but nothing homemade. I once burned vegetables.

You should try to learn how to cook then. It's not that difficult actually. Just a few try and error. :chef:
When I was younger, I didn't want to cook. Until I got married. Even then I didn't cook that much. But when I tried doing it, and my food was appreciated, although I wasnt sure if they're sincere LOL, it was then that I took it seriously. Cooking is a lot of fun and being appreciated for the effort made me proud of myself as a "cook".
When I cook,I will look at a number of recipes.Then I'll combine certain portions of some of the recipes and make the dish my own way.That's why i like to cook.I like creating something of my own with a little help.But in the end,it's my new recipe.
I really don't like to cook. I guess it's because I don't plan ahead and I just wait until I'm hungry to start cooking. Then, I'll get impatient because I'm so hungry and want to eat immediately but the food is still cooking.
Well I generally don't have the time to cook but I do really like to when I do. Personally, I like to cook because I can make something suited to my specific tastes. Whenever somebody else cooks for me I have no choice of what I eat and I don't really have a say in how its prepared. When I cook I can make something really simple and whatever I want at the time. Besides, I love cracking eggs, beating batter, sprinkling on seasonings etc. its fun :chef:.
no i didn't like cooking i never entered in kitchen only i wants ready meal and not home made specially out side ........
Me too,i dont like coOking,i try to like it and try to learn some dishes,but i always end up disaster! So i figured out,that i will learn cooking when im going to have my own family.but right now,i will just enjoy eating!
i am not good in cooking so i never cook foods. i am not compel to cook in mine home.
I Like to cook foods that are simple and as well delicious at the same time. Maybe that's the thing that makes me cook foods.

I Like to cook Spaghetti, Fried fish with tomato sauce and some others.
I love eating out in restaurants but when i feel like eating something healthy, fresh and homemade i cook. Sometimes i just cook when i have a craving for something or when i see some new dish on TV.

I was the same. I didn't cook much when I was still single. Only occasionaly I tried to cook and just ventured out. When I live alone far from my family, that is when I getting better at cooking. And now I can cook many things. It feels great when our food are liked by many people.

I was the same. I didn't cook much when I was still single. Only occasionaly I tried to cook and just ventured out. When I live alone far from my family, that is when I getting better at cooking. And now I can cook many things. It feels great when our food are liked by many people.

I was the same. I didn't cook much when I was still single. Only occasionaly I tried to cook and just ventured out. When I live alone far from my family, that is when I getting better at cooking. And now I can cook many things. It feels great when our food are liked by many people.

Same to you. I enjoy cooking for my family. It's so much fun. And most enjoyable of all, when you see the family members enjoying the food and smile on their faces, and finishing all the food and requesting for more next time, you simply feel so satisfied!

Same to you. I enjoy cooking for my family. It's so much fun. And most enjoyable of all, when you see the family members enjoying the food and smile on their faces, and finishing all the food and requesting for more next time, you simply feel so satisfied!

Same to you. I enjoy cooking for my family. It's so much fun. And most enjoyable of all, when you see the family members enjoying the food and smile on their faces, and finishing all the food and requesting for more next time, you simply feel so satisfied!

It does feel great when people enjoy our food does it. Most of the times when I cook, I never taste my cooking. So for people to like the food I cook will make me know I'm doing thing right.
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