What OS do you hate?


Well-Known Member
I have used all the main OSes so far(*nix,Windows,OSX,BSD)
So far the only OS I dislike is Windows,why?
Well it more prone to getting Malware,shit ware(looking at you tool bars),and basically is just not that great.(irony is I'm typing this on Windows kek)
Though it's useful for getting programs I can't get on *nix (IE:username Checkers)
That's pretty much it

inb4 *nix
I hate Windows. and my least favourite Mobile would be iOS.
I feel you. Windows can be insanely annoying. My least favorite though, would be BSD. Could never seem to like it.
I like Windows other than Windoes 8, but I have a MAC so I just decided to fully convert.
Im using windows 7 right now but I dislike windows 8.
Windows 8/8.1 both suck dangus. Mostly just because it just switches to other apps for no apparent reason 
I never used MAC! I will buy a MAC PC in the future! Right now very busy with many projects that I simply can't give some time to learn some new MAC things!

I am using windows 7. It's good so far. But I really hate Windows 8/8.1, I installed Windows 8 once and then I removed and re-install windows 7!
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