What sets you "off?"


I know everybody has those different little things that bug you and piss you off, but what is that one thing that just makes you want to go "off." Going "off" could mean many things in this situation, ranging from blowing up in a massive rage, all the way to shutting yourself down do the point to where you do not want to hear one word. Oh no, not those types of going "off", I am speaking of to the point where you are dark red, wanting to kill everybody in your path, and basically uncontrollable at that point. The thing that sets me "off" the absolute most is when people speak like this:

Hayy qurll iz weh about tah gah to duh store to get soom uf dat noo tayning cream, lyke real tawlk.
people that just bug you on purpose and people who are pricks to chicks.
I hate noobs on Call of Duty but in general there isnt one thing that just pisses me off.
cocky people really piss me off.
I hate when there's a sexy girl and your talking to her but her ugly ass friends come and start cock blocking you ..
little kids that act like they can do whatever the fuck they want and also white kids that live in a nice house they act gangster
I would say when someone keeps bugging you nonstop and when a little kid thinks they are the shit. Lol
Little nerds who think they are cool :/
If we are talking about in game. I hate when a kid gets lucky as fuck in search and takes out the last players of the other team, and is the only one, and than just runs in circles or shoots a dead body, until the last possible second than defuses the bomb, and spins. so fucking annoying, and boring. Not to mention an all around waste of time.

No not just necessarily in the game, but yes Philly, that also pisses me off.
When I'm playing Search and Destroy and I get a hitmarket for a triple collat, then some faggot in my party gets the triple. ;(
Rawr said:
When I'm playing Search and Destroy and I get a hitmarket for a triple collat, then some faggot in my party gets the triple. ;(

You mad I stole your triple homeslice?
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