I made a pure because, well, everyone was making one and I just wanted to see what was so fun about it. Never PKed before in runescape (though, I was a great fan of PKing in WoW. Just sayin') and I made this account:
Now, whenever I fight someone I claw them and KO them right away OR they claw me and KO me. We never have a fight that lasts longer than 10 seconds, which, is dull for me. So, what should I do with this account?
(Only quest to note done is tutorial island and D.T.)
Keep it, but instead of just clawing, go barrage to claw. You'll get more kills because they havn't hit you yet. Also if you get bored of non-pure pking make a new account with defense. Trust me, it's worth it not to start over again
btw that PK account is perfect.