What should I do


I was just sittin there eating taco bell then I found a wedding ring in my borrito, it was your average golden ring but I guess it was for a marrage proposal and I got it by accident,im struggling with money at the moment and I could really use the money so should I return the ring or help my self?

Driving up to taco bell now.

As Internet said, just wait until the guy posts a reward post.

It was most likely from the workers, who are probably struggling with minimum wage themselves.

Or just sell it, if you really wanted to, it doesn't really matter.
Go back to Taco Bell and say you choked on it and either sue them or ask for an unlimited supply or free tacos.

Once you profit from that do what @Internet said.
Return it. You don't know what the person who owned the ring's financial state is. Judging by the fact that they work at Taco Bell, I'd suspect it isn't very good. Plus, it's theirs. Not yours. Simple principle.
Kirby said:
Return it. You don't know what the person who owned the ring's financial state is. Judging by the fact that they work at Taco Bell, I'd suspect it isn't very good. Plus, it's theirs. Not yours. Simple principle.
He was proposing at taco bell he couldn't have been that great of a person
Bitchtitt said:
He was proposing at taco bell he couldent of bin that great of a person

You found a ring in your burrito... I'd assume someone who worked at Taco Bell owned the ring and it accidentally fell in the burrito. I doubt they were proposing at a Taco Bell... Either way, it doesn't matter if they are a good person. Are you? What are your moral standards?
I mean, I would, but I am not in a financial crisis, so I can't tell someone else what to do.
Bitchtitt said:
He was proposing at taco bell he couldn't have been that great of a person

Just because you found the ring at Taco Bell, doesn't mean that they were going to propose at Taco Bell. Maybe him and his girlfriend were going somewhere special later on that day, or maybe he just brought it to work to keep her from finding it.

Return the ring, it's the right thing to do.
I'm sure all of you would hate to lose your accessories at your local Taco Bell and never be able to find them again, and it'd be even worse to find out that someone who found it kept it as their own and/or sold it.
Bitchtitt said:
He was proposing at taco bell he couldn't have been that great of a person

Neither is a thief. Seems fair.
Being poor doesn't give you the right to steal.

Find the owner and return it.
This. ^^^

Also, if you keep it, you will never know the full consequences of what you've done.
I am getting a lift to taco bell and im returning it. Thanks for the support i wasent sure what to do.
May karma be in your favor

Plus, if no one claims it, its yours.
If it were me, I would've already pawned it or listed it on eBay. Sorry, not sorry. Who proposes at a damn Taco Bell & then forgets the ring? (Assuming that was the scenario.) Sell it... just my opinion. Not everyone else's.
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