99 Att
99 Str
99 Def
99 Range
1 Prayer
99 Mage
99 HP
1 Summ
Should be 113 combat, with maxed melee, which can give you the upper hand to say 120 2x, 130 3x, as there higher combat however you have the same stats for boxing
99 Att
99 Str
99 Def
99 Range
1 Prayer
99 Mage
99 HP
1 Summ
Should be 113 combat, with maxed melee, which can give you the upper hand to say 120 2x, 130 3x, as there higher combat however you have the same stats for boxing
Those stats are going to be a bitch to get. I am hoping to do "boxing" so I don't need the range/mage, even though it doesn't add extra levels.. 99 str/def/hp/attack would take a while though.