What Would Be Better: Phisher/Java Driveby?

I'm not sure what to invest my time into.

A phisher or java drive by.

A phisher will grab retards, which usually doesn't produce insanely good amounts.

A java drive by will grab retards too, but smarter retards. Only problem is the log viewing, and I would need a FUD java drive by, with a FUD rat/keylogger/stealer.

So im not sure, what do you guys think?
If you are good at phishing and pic targets its more reliable but i also had a jdb once and got a 1.2b loot.
I do both, to be straight up honest.
i recommend a Java drive by, BUT make it look like a runescape page of some sort
Java Drive By most def, its so easy to fall for. I would make a RS page one and a RSPS one and use which ever one is good to get your target with.
I used a java driveby for a while and it was amazing, but im not sure these days It was a while ago when i used one.
Setup a fake Runescape private server pking with a 'webclient' wich includes your JDB = Profit!
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