uhm they're both not that good for lvling, but if you would have to choose between these, BGS and D claws for speccing only. But you should really get an Whip and train your def/att with that, and an Saradomin Sword for training str.
uhm they're both not that good for lvling, but if you would have to choose between these, BGS and D claws for speccing only. But you should really get an Whip and train your def/att with that, and an Saradomin Sword for training str.
I Use D scimmy / Whip. D claws are only good for they're spec. Sara sword is the best for training STR. BGS hits to slow , it could take awhile. Basically wasting time.
I Use D scimmy / Whip. D claws are only good for they're spec. Sara sword is the best for training STR. BGS hits to slow , it could take awhile. Basically wasting time.