Call of Duty Whats Your Favorite all-time Zombie Perk (NOT INCLUDING JUGGERNAUT)


So Fk, whats your favorite zombies perk of all time without including juggernaut?

- i would have to say Speed - Coala.
mine is speed cola only because i use lmgs
My favorite zombies perk of all time would have to be Stamin' Up or Speed Cola.
Arena said:
My favorite zombies perk of all time would have to be Stamin' Up or Speed Cola.

good choice c: , off topic but i stared at your signature & expected to see something pop out lol.. thankgod

J G said:
mine is speed cola only because i use lmgs

good choice, i agree with ya on that ;]
Like many have said Speed Cola or Stamina up.

Not really any of the other ones rank up with those 3 (Juggernaut, Speed Cola, Stamina up)
My favorite would be Who's Who because honestly without it I wouldn't of been able to get to round 40 on Die Rise.
Mine is speed cola it helps me when i have a lmg!
Skypе said:
My favorite would be Who's Who because honestly without it I wouldn't of been able to get to round 40 on Die Rise.

i hate that perk never works out for me ..
Mine would have to be the flopper and just diving off the 1 map where the landers are
Stamina up I fucking hate not being able to run quickly.
Cody said:
Stamina up I fucking hate not being able to run quickly.

i always have heavy guns & i need stamin-up to rebalance my speed
Hoe said:
i always have heavy guns & i need stamin-up to rebalance my speed

Exactly. I really only use LMG's in zombies.
I only like Speedy Cola because of the quick revive, I always play with shitty people who get downed. I would otherwise say Double Tap Rootbeer, cause I see it helps a lot. Most people don't notice it. But when you get to round 18 using only a pistol, you can tell it helps a lot.
Probably either Speed Cola or Mule Kick. I usually run out of ammo a lot, so having an extra gun helps. And I hate guns with slow reloads like LMGs.
Speed cola or stamin up, and jug of course.
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