What's your favorite food?

Shut the fuck up my favorite food is sushi. I can actually make my own now. I'm big on spicy tuna / volcano rolls.
I also have a massive love for cheesecake.
Glitter Milk said:
Shut the fuck up my favorite food is sushi. I can actually make my own now. I'm big on spicy tuna / volcano rolls.
I also have a massive love for cheesecake.

We can't share the same favorite food? :(
I love tortas or quesadillas or burritos can't decide
None of that shitty ones you get from taco bell,
The home made ones mmm, so good!
I just love food in general, who doesn't.
pb & j sammich.

This blackberry jelly I have right now is soooo good. *runs off to make one*
Circuit said:
Title ^^.
My favorite food is sushi. 
There are tons, but the food that I can eat is any time is:
Mac N' Cheese, (Kraft Dinner (in Canada)) loved it since I was young, till now :)
To be honest, I wouldn't really say I have a "favourite food", however I have certain meals that I crave at different times.

For example, Duck & Hoisin sauce with wraps, Mozzarella Cheese Sticks & chips, Meat Feast Pizza etc.

If I'm craving it and I buy it, it tends to satisfy my taste buds haha
tbh i love all food cause pshh* im fat in my heart

(even doe irl im not)

but yeah probably noodles or pizza rolls idek
I'm gonna have to go with the Kraft mac 'n Cheese just like @gym. I've eaten it since i was little and still love it. :D
I like grapes, bananas, mac & cheese, cheesecake, pizza, strawberries. I don't know, I'll eat anything as long as I like it. :) give me yo food.