What's your RS combat level?


Well I don't play that much these days, I'm usually just botting. Anyways I am level 50, I've got 83 mining, and about 12M in gold. Kk, post away RS lovers/players/vets etc.
I have so many accounts, I think I have a 138 somewhere. I know I have my level 129 and 125 that I made.
Assangha said:
I have so many accounts, I think I have a 138 somewhere. I know I have my level 129 and 125 that I made.
Impressive. The highest I have gotten to legit was level 80.
92 here It will be 106 when I'm done training combat
Step up to my level son!
I'm level 133!
Can i get a HELL YEAH!?
I Have Many Many Accounts. Most of em got hacked though.

My Main which i just got back is 92.
My Skiller got 30 in all non combat skills so far. Level 3.
My f2p pure is level 42 with 56 str 40 attack
and my P2p gmauler is level 53 with 50 attack 68 str.
I've decided to start fresh on rs, so I'm back to level 3 . Atm I have 19 mining, and 30 smithing, I plan to stock up on bars.
I'm currently 93, I was reset today at 97 combat. aintevenmadtho
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