Me personally is 2005, I played for about a week and quit, a few months later everyone was still playing it at school so i started again and got hooked right up until late 2007 (when wildy was removed)
I then quit, sold my 850m RSGP (was alot more back then then it is now) for $4.3/m
so for a 15 yr old that was pretty good.
I came back in 2009 for about 2 months for pvp, hated it, quit.
played for 2 months at the start of 2010 until my main got perm banned for duping.
I started again when free trade/wildy/staking came back which I play my 25 def pure.
When did YOU start?
I then quit, sold my 850m RSGP (was alot more back then then it is now) for $4.3/m
so for a 15 yr old that was pretty good.
I came back in 2009 for about 2 months for pvp, hated it, quit.
played for 2 months at the start of 2010 until my main got perm banned for duping.
I started again when free trade/wildy/staking came back which I play my 25 def pure.
When did YOU start?