When do you think Runescape will die?


Onyx user!
After my registration and participation on this forums, I've noticed how the phishing/ botting epidemic is plaguing runescape. More and more people are botting and losing their wealth as we speak, while others are attaining a mass amount of wealth. Look at what this has done to the market- DFS is only 5m, bandos godsword is 3m, whips are 300k each? I'm in no way criticizing phishers, because I'm hoping to learn how to do so myself. But the question is, will our greed ultimately lead to our demise and the extinction of the game we all love to play?
As long as RuneScape exists, or any other game, that little group of "hackers" will always be there.
SD8Z has a point. However, in order for us not to be squashed by the plague of hackers, we must become them. If we don't start doing what the phishers and keyloggers are doing, we will be overrun by them.

Ven0m said:
SD8Z has a point. However, in order for us not to be squashed by the plague of hackers, we must become them. If we don't start doing what the phishers and keyloggers are doing, we will be overrun by them.


We already do that.
And I think you are wrong.
We already know how crypters, keyloggers, rats, phishers, etc. work. So falling for one would be very stupid.
Everyday, kids are learning how to use a computer, and how to browse on the internet. They look for games, they find RuneScape and play it, then they want to get infinite gold or membership without paying, they download our RATs/keyloggers, they get mad, they learn how to do it too and they then hack the new people that also plays RuneScape. It is a cycle I guess... I was RAT'd one time. So I wanted to learn and now I'm doing it.
But I don't think that everyone will be a "hacker" in RuneScape and that we will be overrun by them (ourselves).
I meant that we are the hackers, which isn't a bad thing, but will we ruin RS is the question?
I give it another 2 years, frankly I think jagex knows it is dying which is why they implemented RWT. They are milking it for everything they can get before it goes down.
Nestea said:
I give it another 2 years, frankly I think jagex knows it is dying which is why they implemented RWT. They are milking it for everything they can get before it goes down.

Maybe, maybe not. I think they still do care, because they also implemented bot nuke.
It'll soon end.. specially with the new squeal of fortune update in which you can now actually buy extra spins... JaGeX Missed up again...
Treb said:
Maybe, maybe not. I think they still do care, because they also implemented bot nuke.

Which was a loss of time and money.
Time because bots are already coming back (PowerBot, TriBot), some didn't even stop (RiD, Simba).
With the bot nuke they lost a lot of players, and many of them were members, money.

Yes they still do care, but only about the money they can get off it.

How? They're losing members= losing money too..
I do not think it will ever die,people will eventually get back into it.
I have a feeling it has something to do with the music,some satanic tunes in it to hypnotize you into never stopping in a lifetime.
If it does die,I estimate around 2015.
I think there will be a few years, I personally would still p(l)ay, so I mean, there would always be players who would p(l)ay.
they will bring out a new skill they will eat your money, like contruction.
Ven0m said:
SD8Z has a point. However, in order for us not to be squashed by the plague of hackers, we must become them. If we don't start doing what the phishers and keyloggers are doing, we will be overrun by them.



Runescape has been dieing for a couple years now, it's just a matter of time.
I give it 2-4 more years at the rate it's going.
Runescape imo has already died but is coming back, like the new bounty hunter update, where its still wildy drops but also bh worlds, also with bringing the trade limit and stuff back, but eventually another game will over run this
It'll be a game where only those that choose to waste their money on it will survive in the Runescape world. Buying gear, stats, items, etc. It'll lose popularity soon but probably never die.
I still play this and i enjoy it but that is things that i enjoy and get interested in a lot of other people might have their own decision.
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