when the first gray hair poke


They are different reactions to the first gray hairs. But do not worry, we know that there are several choices for those who want to hide and for those who want to look elegant white hair.

No doubt the fact progressively lose the natural color symbolizes the passage of time, which can be quite traumatic. So here you can find different possibilities when making the choice between wearing a gray hair or hide behind the dyes.
First you must know that by 45 years the production of melanin begins to diminish and sometimes for hereditary causes this process forward.
Here are some useful tips:

To keep them bright:

• Use hair products such as lacquers or sprays because the gray hair gets thicker and rebellious.
• Find a hairstyle that suits the age and hair type.
• Prevent take a yellowish gray. This adds a few years more. Ask the stylist you trust about natural products to keep the bright white gray

How to cover:

• Can be covered with natural products that cover non-permanent color to gray hair up to 20%.
• Use tone on tone product if you want to cover 50%. These products are between 6 and 8 weeks.
• Choose a permanent stain if you want to cover permanently.
• To achieve the same shade of hair products designed to recover prefer the original pitch containing melanin-like activity.