When you are bored


I felt very bore yesterday, I was really bore.. i had no idea what to do in that situation, What would you do if you were in my place??? What do you do when you feel really bored???
I would have played my favorite songs at full volume and would have danced like crazy or I would have called my fiends.
Go outside or just go to town and get my friends, then we'll get together and then go to play basketball or football, sometimes baseball too, volleyball too
you did not say what was your situation for being bored . anyway if i become bored i usually watch love story movies and sometime i also go to play cricket or listen to the songs.
I am really bored with my life right now. i dont have a job and i have been a bum since march this year. Nothing so good is happening to me right now. I feel useless. lolz
If a bored...i just think a happy thoughts..going outside..just do a walk to refresh your self.play some music,,go to the mall with your friends.

do you SMOKE or NOT? what is the benefit for you if your smoking..i mean what did you feel good if your smoking??for me i tried before but only for fun and i want to experience it also but i don't like the taste and the smell.
will for me if i get bored i go friend then go some bar hang out drink some drink party2x like that and if i get bored don't have money i just watch movie but i get bored also doing that i think only money can get your boredom
surf internet....
and if i really really bored...
sleeping is the best choice..
Well, I do go to the beach whenever I feel bored since the beach is just a walk away from my place - it is a beach front actually. I watch people there even it is in a high noon, I just sit around and sometimes sleep in the hammock.

Whenever I am at home, I play my guitar and sometimes, just play along with my baby. It never gets me bored watching him sleep, laugh, coo and even cry.
I will go to the nearest Fastfood and eat my favorite chicken fillet sandwich! Or I will just go to sleep, I frequently fall asleep when I'm bored.
If bored i guess i turn my computer on and surf the web and see if i could make some more money because you know you always need money and is real hard to make enough money online.
arunaneupane said:
I felt very bore yesterday, I was really bore.. i had no idea what to do in that situation, What would you do if you were in my place??? What do you do when you feel really bored???

When I feel bored, I put my music so loud lol. I wanna enjoy the music that I played. I also read some books when I got bored being online (but I love being online). When I know that my friends are not so busy, I send some text them message to them so we can go out or they can come in our house to have some talks.
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