When your teacher

JohnnyG said:
op how old are you and are u related to pyscho sales?

17, and who or what is "pyscho sales"?
you guys are some pussys man. fucking get a little anger in yourselves, be a man, and stop being such vaginas. do you think the mayans or sparta would give any fucks if one of their members was scamming a pedofile on the internet? i mean, come the fuck on.

sorry, but im a man, not a little bitch. yall wanna cry over ewhoreing is down right pathetic. get a little meat on your bones. you guys are all the type to be snitches.

whats funny, is you guys think im stupid because im a street king and a scammer. well, sadly, im smarter than just about anyone here. my teachers always said they thought id be next president, which would of been true if i gave two shits about politics.

the difference between me and you guys, is i dont put too much thought into the small things. ewhoreing is so small, and do what you do. dont judge a man based on what they do, but how they act towards you and how they treat YOU. so what if they do this away from you, judge them on who they are to YOU. also, its scamming, who gives a fuck. a man has to eat.

the people we should be worried about are killers, thieves, etc. i actually dont like thieves, but scamming online is just different imo. i dont see scamming pedos as anything bad. if they were normal people i would. but i pose as a 16 year old girl, and they are 40-60 and shouldnt be doing it anyways.

i dont know, im diffferent than you guys. im just not a pussy

and the main point of this thread, the nigga needs to not call my god damn gparents. fucking faggots.

imo, some of you guys need to grow a set.
@JohnnyG same #hysterical hahah