Where to train mage?


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Alching = I hate buying all the stuff and shit because you can't 24/7 it. MTA doesn't work (-_- doesn't speak to the guy at the end of telekinetics)

What else?
Superheat, that's about it though. Maybe stun alch, but that's better legit.
What's your magic level? This is the second time you've posted about a skill without giving us your level.

If you have the ancient spell book, go with the highest barrage spell. It will attack the monsters around you. Go to the chaos tunnels above edgeville and attack the mummies with an ancient staff with auto-cast barrage spell. It will attack 6x6 squares of the mummies, thus making training magic 6x faster than attack, defense, or strength.
If you're using a main, you can run air orbs.
I botted air orbs and it got my magic level up really fast.
I hit 99 within a few weeks, and profited greatly.
You need to tell us your level if you want guidance.