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Which is better?


User is banned.
Ok so i am a Developer on some sites and most of the sites are running
vBulletin and i wanted to know which is better MyBB or vB?

Here are somethings good about vB.

# Simple layed out.
# a Admin Cp and a ModCp.
# Thanks Button System.
# Donate system.
# Private forums so only you and the admins can see threads of your own.
# Make your own groups.
# News bot, Live RSS.
# Content Management System (Aka Home Page)
# User Infractions.
# Who's Online.
# Notifications.
# Navbar Link (Buttons at the top of the page)
# Limited to 5 thread/post aday when being a guest.

What are the good things about MyBB?
Is they any good Plugins that are like what i have listed for vB? do you have a link to the Plugins.

As you can tell vBulletin costs money and MyBB is free, so yes MyBB is cheaper then vB "Well no sh^t". but which do you think is better?

Im thinking of turning some of the sites into MyBB is i take to the owners/founders of the site.

Also when updating because it's a vB can i do a backup of the members and threads/posts or will that all be losted because if it will be losted then that will mean the awser of the question if i as the Owner/Founder is going to be a no, due to the fact of how many members we have.

Over 10k. and i think he would be p^ssed if we lost all the active members and members/thread/posts.

I Pmed Uzi asking if this was ok and he never messaged back, i hopefully its a yes if this is not allowed please close it.

Thanks again


User is banned.
I Personal perfer MyBB but it's up to you on what you like.


Active Member
I'd stick with vBulletin. You obviously have more experience with it and it generally gets less errors.


Onyx user!
vbull is better in the long run it its really close to mybb if you got it i'd use it


I personally like IpB, but I have heard a ton of good things about vBull


User is banned.
I used vB and I Have to say MyBB is the best .