Lcd stands 4 liquid crystals display.It uses crystal to make an image on screen.At first lcd was used in clocks,wirstwatches,in 2000 lcd screens were developed 4 laptops.The advantage of lcd t.v is that it provides crystal clear image.However it has one disadvantage that many times image gets blured,but new lcd t.v's have reduced it.
Some facts about plasma t.v!
If u r looking for an home theater,or an t.v 4 just 4 films u should go with plasma,plasma t.v uses xenon and neon to produce image,it has largest ratio of viewing,with high contrast ratio. In lcd where image gets blured at some edges plasma havent this problem. However u may found problem if u watch news channel,or u play games like burn in problem.
Which t.v form u like most lcd or plasma?