Who are your favourite members on this forum?

Trilogy said:

idk who else im tired af and shouout to all my banned niggas
I love how clean that list looks because they're all the same colour, the beauty.
My broski @bigmeech only person I will go first to on here mainly because I know him irl everyone else middle man or I go first
I like @Chaz and @Noob both really nice chill guys.
RIP josh even though he extorted me a few times me and him are chilling irl soon
@rude my homie (sometimes)
@narc rip
@chicken always is bae with that avatar
@Cred was chill & cool to me since day 1.
Verity said:
@Cred was chill & cool to me since day 1.

Who the hell are you? I dont know you
Verdict said:
@sadistic fucks sheep
@astro also a sheep fucker
@beam best mate
@glitch best mate
@fuckboy you're a nerd kys
@gol rip Logan </3

@Sadistic is a sheep fucker? glws kiwi

@Towel @Krish @Grande @Rexy @Jamil - Were very helpful when I was new, ty ty

edit: How could I forget @Blast
Cred said:
Who the hell are you? I dont know you

Bruh .-. Really ._. My name on FK isn't that forgettable is it.
Gen said:
@Sadistic is a sheep fucker? glws kiwi

@Towel @Krish @Grande @Rexy @Jamil - Were very helpful when I was new, ty ty

Praise the holy lord wendy man.
Trilogy said:

idk who else im tired af and shouout to all my banned niggas
most icy list out there fuck the rest
Gen said:
@Sadistic is a sheep fucker? glws kiwi

@Towel @Krish @Grande @Rexy @Jamil - Were very helpful when I was new, ty ty

edit: How could I forget @Blast
Don't tag me you ginger fuck, I'm still waiting to know where I'm shipping this hair dye too. You never responded? Hmu boii
@Survivor only other member I talk to, everyone else has just been a bag dicks to me
idk i think anyone who has been here longest and that has posted a bunch of HQ helpful posts is my favorite
@seven this dude has middlemaned /w me many times he legit asf
@flat he's my day one homie, also @Fuckboy is pretty chill.
@Verdict who the fuck are you lmao

rach said:
@Rach this chick is the coolest girl you'll meet
how badly do you want us to know you're a girl
@glitch @rach yeah kinda sketchy trying to be a girl for rep I'm assuming haha pathetic
Samus said:
@glitch @rach yeah kinda sketchy trying to be a girl for rep I'm assuming haha pathetic
i don't doubt that she's a girl it's just that she seems to point it out a lot, especially in a forum full of teenagers
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