Who can agree?


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Who can agree after becoming a stoner your perspective on money has changed completely xD Now that i have been buying weed almost everyday for the past 3 years, I have completely learned how to budget 20$ into Getting high, Getting a pack of Turkish Royals, and Making sure i have munchies to eat xD
Who can agree? BTW Wiz is life.
don't smoke anymore but when i did, my perspective didn't really change. got a great price for oz's here in cali, so we didn't really think too much of budgeting. we jus had fun with it.
See I know what you mean but that's not what I'm saying, for people who only buy grams, eighths, quarters every now and then. What I mean is my views for the value of the dollar has changed haha
Wiz is trash, old Wiz was life, this new "trap wiz" is fucking stupid.
Lucifer‌ said:
Wiz is trash, old Wiz was life, this new "trap wiz" is fucking stupid.

I know I old wiz. Haha I said that cause I'm listening to the whole 28 grams album. And getting stoned
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