Who jacked Religion?


Just wondering who jacked FaZe Kross's OG gamertag 'Religion' it is freshly jacked and he's trying to get it back.
Lol, All he has to do is offer the kid a permanent sub-box and he'll get it back
Astral said:
Lol, All he has to do is offer the kid a permanent sub-box and he'll get it back

Ehh I wouldn't do it for that,lol. Not like he gets mass subs everyday, plus it's not guaranteed that theyll click his channel when subbing to Kross's
Hope he doesn't get it back, I will buy it for loads.

And also, he probably wouldn't give the jacker a spot in his subbox, makes no sense.
I remember seeing a guy on HF named "I AM G0DLY" on HF claiming he jacked the tag. This was well over a year ago though... I thought he still owned it.
Virus‌‪‌‪‌‪‌ said:
Whoever jacked it has some balls, I see these FaZe members with these sick ass shit.

LOL. That doesn't take balls to do. Where do you think they get their OG tags ?. They either come on sites like these - HF/FK. Or befriend someone who has some sick tags. Now jacking an MS employee account takes balls cause your jacking Microsoft property, But even so, That doesn't take balls, Unless you jack Major Nelson, Stepto or any of the head MS employees.
YuGiOh Duelist said:
I jacked it. Any tag you want 400 LR or 40 BTC you go first no middleman.

You're the biggest idiot on this site. You're on your like on your 4th multi-account, not even a good troll.
No, Kross isn't even that mad, he says 'it's gonna be a legal process getting it back.' lol. i.e, he has no clue what he's doing He never really used the OG, he feeds on his FaZe Kross account. I hope he gets it back, I would rather have people who are actually good have OG's and put them to good use in the killfeed Not these randoms who just want attention in pregame lobbies lol. Someone told me Grimzy jacked it and/or gave it to him.
Vans said:
You're the biggest idiot on this site. You're on your like on your 4th multi-account, not even a good troll.

Your comment just made my day. Vouch for you......
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