Who owns H EAVEN

This gamertag belongs to a legend. I dont think he will be looking to sell it.
He looks like a competitive guy, good knows what happened too him and his beauty tag.

"Last played at Tue, 25 Dec 2012 17:07:03 GMT"
Violent said:
He looks like a competitive guy, good knows what happened too him and his beauty tag.

"Last played at Tue, 25 Dec 2012 17:07:03 GMT"

Yea he was very well known back on Halo 3. Legends just dont die =]
Sword said:
Yea he was very well known back on Halo 3. Legends just dont die =]

Vouch for this statement. I youstu play with him when his gamertag started with a N Heaven back then had a consistant 4 shot cross map on val halla and fucked bitches up with me.
Heaven said:
u high bro?
it's not banned
and the owner has posted in this thread..

Shut up kid you're such a random gtfo you skid go hang yourself phaggot i swear on me mumz life eye will fuhk you in the butt you gay cock sucking loving deep throating gay homo faggot bitch titty ass honkey cracker.
Shadow said:
Shut up kid you're such a random gtfo you skid go hang yourself phaggot i swear on me mumz life eye will fuhk you in the butt you gay cock sucking loving deep throating gay homo faggot bitch titty ass honkey cracker.

tehe shup just cause you can't handle my D and I, the notorious Eevee can handle ANY D, especially yours, mushroom top
TJ’’’’ said:
He owns one of my favorite tags also. Lol that's pretty funny for people who don't know who owns it.

hehe this thread is so full of troll it's making me moist
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