Who owns the tag...

@"Junior" will be online later, he will MM for you no problem.
haashimazeem said:
Why can't I get it with PayPal I can screenshot my available funds?

Sweet hope he PMs me.

Thanks for your help guys its much appreciated!

@Hostage It won't let me PM him?

Still no one will take PayPal from you due to chargebacks and just in general PayPal sucks. I would just get it converted.
Hostage said:
You need three more posts. You need a total of 10 posts to private message mate.

Ah cool is it fine if I just post 'test posts' so that I could start PMing?

Aviate said:
@"Junior" will be online later, he will MM for you no problem.

What's OP and MM? Isn't it PM? (Lol sorry)

Rambo said:
Still no one will take PayPal from you due to chargebacks and just in general PayPal sucks. I would just get it converted.

What's chargeback? And I'm gonna have to change to btc then but how would I do that bro?
haashimazeem said:
Ah cool is it fine if I just post 'test posts' so that I could start PMing?

What's OP and MM? Isn't it PM? (Lol sorry)

What's chargeback? And I'm gonna have to change to btc then but how would I do that bro?

Pmsl no as that would be a LQ post and result in a rise in your warning level.
Best thing to do if people won't accept Paypal from you is withdraw the Paypal into a linked bank account and connect your bank account on coinbase and purchase BTC from there, also if you're with Chase don't buy BTC with them since they are closing bank accounts that have been used to purchase/sell BTC.

Also if you would like me to MM I will secure the gamertag, you send the money, and once the money is confirmed I can send you the gamertag OR if it's irreversible type of currency such as BTC I can escrow it as well for a small fee.

EDIT: Also for the tag you're wondering about in the OP it's owned by the OG owner, he's a chill guy that I've played Halo before with but I highly doubt he's going to let it go.

Thanks for the info man and yeah I'd like you to MM it bro I've got proof of the funds in my PayPal, do you think you'd be able to contact him about the price and what not? Thanks. @Junior

Yo @Junior you still there mate?
haashimazeem said:
Thanks for the info man and yeah I'd like you to MM it bro I've got proof of the funds in my PayPal, do you think you'd be able to contact him about the price and what not? Thanks. @Junior

Yo @Junior you still there mate?

I'm here, the guy will not sell his gamertag so don't bother asking.
Junior said:
I'm here, the guy will not sell his gamertag so don't bother asking.

Ahh thanks man, is there a two letter/character unspaced for sale? And what tags do you sell cause I heard you got some pretty sweet tags bro. @Junior
haashimazeem said:
Ahh thanks man, is there a two letter/character unspaced for sale? And what tags do you sell cause I heard you got some pretty sweet tags bro. @Junior

If you're willing to pay $1,700+ via Western Union or Bitcoin I can sell you something.
Junior said:
If you're willing to pay $1,700+ via Western Union or Bitcoin I can sell you something.

Hmm high price I like it, pm me the tags you got? And Idm via btc or wu
Junior said:
If you're willing to pay $1,700+ via Western Union or Bitcoin I can sell you something.

Vouch for this, my boy has one of the best 2 letters right now.
You keep avoiding the fact that you have to convert you're paypal to BTC lol
Junior said:
If you're willing to pay $1,700+ via Western Union or Bitcoin I can sell you something.

N‏igga that's more then a mortgage payment.
Crack said:
You keep avoiding the fact that you have to convert you're paypal to BTC lol

lol I'm not avoiding it I can do it, @Junior already explained to me how to do it, so its all good!
Junior said:
friend that's just pocket change.

If it's pocket change from me a couple of hundred $$$
I know the owner of this tag, I play Halo with him and the tag "Me" sometimes and as @Junior said they are chill, Ax is owned by OG owner and he will not sell I offered him 2k trust me he wont. If you want a sick tag Junior is the best mm as @Aviate said and he also has some of the best shit in this dry ass market.

Thanks for the help bro always appreciate it! Btw how do you know if a market is dry or not? And what happens when a market is "dry", peace.
haashimazeem said:
Thanks for the help bro always appreciate it! Btw how do you know if a market is dry or not? And what happens when a market is "dry", peace.

When the market is dry that means N‏iggas are selling some stale ass tags.
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