Who owns these?


Does anyone know who owns these? Any legit sellers? I'm looking to buy.

- W*r
- G*n
- Ic*
- H*lo
I hope you have $1k+ ready if you want to buy any of those tags.
L00P said:
I hope you have $1k+ ready if you want to buy any of those tags.

Money isn't a problem. I just can't get in touch with any of the owners and would like a little background as to make sure they aren't scam or banned accounts.
I have the tag War added on my list for like 2 years. Hes a 45 year old man not looking to sell. And if you offer he blocks you.
You most likely won't get any of these as either a) they're active and not looking to sell or b) they're inactive.

You're best bet would be to contact Ricky and ask him if he could pull one of them for you.
125 FPS said:
You most likely won't get any of these as either a) they're active and not looking to sell or b) they're inactive.

You're best bet would be to contact Ricky and ask him if he could pull one of them for you.

Sorry new here. Who is Ricky? I searched members and didn't see one
125 FPS said:
You most likely won't get any of these as either a) they're active and not looking to sell or b) they're inactive.

You're best bet would be to contact Ricky and ask him if he could pull one of them for you.
Who is Ricky i havn't heard of him either.
Agent_Kruger said:
Sorry new here. Who is Ricky? I searched members and didn't see one

ricky's my boy his aim is bootylolol but he is a known scammer dwc
also ricky hasn't taken a tag in a min he still has some sexy tags though me and him have been trying to get a few tags
Narc said:
I have the tag War added on my list for like 2 years. Hes a 45 year old man not looking to sell. And if you offer he blocks you.

Is 'War' a stolen account or a reset?
lazybear said:
Is 'War' a stolen account or a reset?

bro almost every og is stolen / jacked
That nigga Ricky bout to scam you dwc bro. I dont know how he does it but there are other people who can jack out there.
I could've sworn War was reset. I'm not into getting anyones account messed with anyways. I was just looking for a straight up buy
Junior said:
- W*r-OG owner
- G*n-OG owner
- Ic*-OG owner
- H*lo-Major Nelson
Your best bet is to go with what this man has to say. He knows the tags and market. This man is a professional.
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