Who pays out via paypal?

Google Adsense won't pay with paypal. Does any one know any thing like adsense that will pay with paypal?
Bidvertiser, but I don't know if it's legit or not because I had 20 Facebook friends click my ads as a test and Bidvertiser still said that I had no clicks at all :/

Alright. I've heard of them before but I've never actually used them... Thats horrible if they didn't show clicks even after you KNEW that people clicked..
Adbrite and Bidvertiser payout through paypal.

And i guess, infolinks does too...
although adsense not use paypal, but they use western union which is also quick to send the money ..
so google adsense pays only into western union and bank account?
So how does Bidvertiser works? I mean by what method? Can you explain me . Thanks.
Google Adsense won't pay with paypal. Does any one know any thing like adsense that will pay with paypal?

waaaa! are you serious?
i'll check it now -.-
I have heard about Bidvertiser where unlike google adsense you dont need to wait to get approval. but so far as i know many absence account pay via check
I don't know about this and google adsense account does not support our country so i do not try to use it.
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