Gaaras gay

User is banned.
I doubt the person who did it is going to admit it.

Sorry for your loss. Careful next time.
Wow. I would be so pissed. I hope you get it back in some way.
That is the same person who turboed @Fault :/

Still dont know :(.
It's not me, I know you guys are gonna point at me.
honestly this is completely your fault. you put up a sales thread for it recently and you try to swap? lmao
Mew said:
your always turboing shit so it could be..

Lel, I only turbo accounts that I own onto fresh accounts. I only have 1 device, so swapping onto fresh accounts is hard for me.
Dude, id be flipping out. Hope this gets resolved.
I believe that is mike, he's banned on here and his been stealing a lot of shit. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SWAP IT?!?? RIP MEW.
I Agree with @rude, Why the fuck would you swap this..
Annnd there goes your alias, everyone blaming on you but you had a reason to swap. Right?