Who would you choose?

Anima Libera

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I see this forum's a little dead. I thought I would try and bring it back to life. :3

Anyways, onto the question. If you were to live with someone for the rest of your life, friend, wife, husband, doesn't matter what, who would you choose and why?

Well, I'd go with Hina, or the girl in my avatar. Why? I don't know, I just want her to be mine, lol.
Shizuka Marikawa from highschool of the dead. Shes cute and has big *****, (i picked a character.)
Dunk said:
I'll go with Kim Karadasian(yes, i now typical) but at-least i can rap about her being in a porno C: -kanye
Anime section, noob. ,_, Pick an anime character!
Melona from Queens blade my Avatar and signature character. She is super funny and hot.
Melon a from Queens blade (My avatar and Sig) She's a demon that shoots acid out of her breast and shape shift.