Whole Gamertag shop giveaway



Just wanna make someone else happy for a change, my luck has not been the best recently and I believe in Karma so hopefully by giving these gamertags away i will make someone happy and this will change my luck. thanks for having me in this amazing forum youre all a great bunch of genuine nice people love Tom.

- Now. To get the tag post: Name, Best gamertag youve ever owned, Favourite colour, Your favourite game ever, Favourite game character ever and favourite drink. :')
So for example for me it would be
Name: Tom
Best Tag: Goodbyee (Never had anything too decent)
Colour: Neon Green
My fave game ever: Tekken 2 PS1
My fave game char ever: Crash Bandicoot from CTR (PS1 BABY! ;D)
Favourite drink: Bulmers Cider
Okay guys thats it i'll be picking a post at random tomorrow so get posting. Love Tom. cya soon have a good one and keep selling tags

Cheat Cartridge - (Cheats for Gameboy such as Gameshark)
Cheat Menu - (Menu where cheats are entered)
Spawn Egg - Minecraft
West Kai - Dragonball Z
Necromancers - Black Magician
QUlCKLY - Quickly Spelled with a L instead of I
Chip Stack - (Stack of poker chips)
Exclusionism (One that excludes of others)
Good CharIotte - (Band - With i not a L)
Id Better Go - (Better be going)
Lectual - (Confining to the bed)
Map Marker - (Marker on a map)
Militating - (to have influence or effect)
MilkybarButtons - (Chocolate)
Miniature Uzi - (Mini Uzi)
Minusing - (Taking numbers away)
Sending Trojan - (Sending a Virus)
Suicidism - (The quality or state of being suicidal or self-murdering)
Tekken BV - (Lastest Tekken Movie)
Uncapturable - (Something that cannot be captured)

Made up words:
Jerlopy - (Just sounds cool to say)
Pie Flavoured - (Just cool)

Pokemon (Plural):

GS Pokeball
Mewtwo Ball
Park Ball
Heal Ball

Note:The winner will be given the tags in a Zip folder and all the accounts will be in a .txt document

Name: Won't Tell.
Best Tag: Remote
Favorite Game: Halo 2
Favorite Character: Sergeant Johnson
Favorite Drink: Orange Juice
Dude you have some nice tags, miniature uzi is sick. I can barely sell the tags in my shop nevermind all these so I'm not entering but good luck to everyone who enters.
Name: Massimo Di Giovanni
Best Tag: Remote or Q U A D
Favourite Color: Red (Black isn't a color its a shade )
Favorite Game: Halo 2/3
Favorite Character: Caboose (RvB)
Favorite Drink: Fanta(Orange/European) Achoholic: Red Wine
Name: Ryan
Best Tag: Irrational or Synopsis
Colour: Sky blue
My fave game ever: Gran Turismo 2 (ps1!!!)
My fave game char ever: Lara Croft — Tomb Raider (she is hot)
Favourite drink: Sprite or rootbeer.
Name: Jon
Best Tag: Tan
Color: Purple
My fave game ever: Halo 1,2,3
My fave game char ever: Donkey Kong
Favourite drink: Fuze
this is crazy that hes giving away all these GTs. really hope things go your way.
Name: Tom
Best Tag: Slipped
Favourite Colour : Purple,blue
Favorite Game: Crash Bandicoot
Favorite Character: Spyro
Favorite Drink: Magners Cider

Hope I win good luck to everyone.
Best Tag:Gummy Vitamins
Favourite Color: Neon Green
Favorite Game: Modern warefare 2
Favorite Character: Yoshi
Favorite Drink: Vodka or Sparkling cider
Name: Dave
Best Tag: Joseph Kony
Favourite Color: Blue
Favorite Game: Abes oddessy oddworld
Favorite Character: Snake - Metal gear solid (ps1)
Favorite Drink: Smooth and Juicy
Best gamertag.........................Redstone Ore
Favourite colour.......................Blue/Green
Favourite game ever.................MW3
Favourite game character..........Pyro (from TF2)
Favourite drink.........................Root Beer
A winner has been chosen. In case you all did not know
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