Why do you go by your username?


Power member.
Well I got the name living when I got the twitter and Skype, I have stuck with it. What about you?
My old clan that I was in so I kinda just stood with it even though its a Dead clan.
I didn't mean to make this my username... It was my old gamertag.

When I upgrade I'm changing my username back to 'bullet' that's my alias on every website. I choose that name because I thought it was a cool name lol.
Because I'm awkward, and a penguin. Rather simple.
I was just thinking about one, and I thought Rocket, sounded catchy so I stuck with her.
Im Known as Vodka now because its purple my favorite color.
It's my name. I want MS to release it already. Well the MS employee to give ut up. That greedy bastard! Lol jk.
I've been Catholic all my life, believe it in heavily and since I got the gamertag I just thought it would go well as my new alias.
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