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Why your forum isn't updating when you change something.


agent virtual
I've been seeing a few people saying things like "Oh I edited my theme on MyBB and it didn't change for me" or "I changed the logo and the old one is still there."

Well this is just because of your cache, whether it be your ISP's or your computer's.

A good way to overcome this that not many people know about is instead of regular refreshing, press Ctrl+F5. It loads the page without the cache.

This is a very useful tip for people like me who often edit their website.

I hope this at least helped someone!
Should help people who is experiencing the issues you are addressing here. Quiet you need to stop posting all these HQ threads regarding Webmaster


agent virtual
I know webmaster a ton

I'm making a video tutorial on how to change the color of your theme background or make it an image.