Win 300k


Onyx user!
Ok, choose a number between 1 and 10

and the first person to guess the number wins.

Contestants so far:
1. --
2. --
3. Megaman.EXE
4. --
5. --
6. --
7. Life
8. --
9. Azmaboy
10. --
RE: Win 100k - 2nd to smallest contest!

I choose you, seven!
Megaman.EXE said:
Wait so let me get this straight, once all the numbers are filled, you will reveal what the winning number is, correct?

That, or in about 10 minutes if no one else enters, I will keep generating a random number till a contestant wins
i'll take 9

No, your penis is too short - Dykerosoft
Drawing a random number in 3 minutes! So hurry and choose a number FAST
Megaman.EXE said:
Can I choose more numbers? Or am I down to #3 since it's what I chose?

Cause I'll chose 6 too! xD

Soz, cant do that...

Good news:

I picked the number:

Number 3 wins!
Lol dammit I didn't read the second page.
EDIT: sorry didnt read if anyone won -.-