Win my Website!

Karmas Guard

Onyx user!
Ok, I'm going to be giving away my website.

This site will be given away!

The Catch

Ok, so I will be holding a lottery, You must pay A Minimum of $0.50 to Enter, Then I will hand over the name's to The owner of RuneGear (TheElite) he will then choose a random name from there and you will win all the information needed.

Pm me if you wish to enter!​
So has anyone entered yet and if no one enters will the only one entering get it???
You have 6 registered users..
Why would anyone WANT this website?
Don't make it a forum, make a gaming website or something
I say just sell the domain. someone will buy it for like 2 bucks for sure.
sell the domain or just do something different and new...
Ew... Dead website...
Oh well the domain's worth something I guess.
Its suspended .. but i like the domain name... Its gonna sell for a good price...
I'm offering to pay $2.00 for the domain name right now.
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