Windows 7 Pro SP1 & Office 2013 Pro [Autobuy] VERY CHEAP! $7.00 retail


I bought these products but i got a supplier for other product that i like more, so i don't need more this products.
So I come here to sell these at $7 each in BTC.

Autobuy: Windows 7 Professional: 7 Professional SP1
Office 2013 Professional: 2013 Professional

Payment method:

Note 1: If you want to buy more, i can make a offer.

Note 2: If you are a trust user i can accept Paypal.

Note 3: I am not the owner of the account from they keys were obtained , this person sent me a link to download directly from the Microsoft website, but these links are expired, so I am sending you a link to MEGA, but the ISO is exactly the same that i got in the link of Microsoft, you can see this because you can accept any update of Microsoft in my products.