[WINNER CHOSEN]First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

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Active Member
As you all know, I have reently been unbanned from FK. Because of this, I'm giving away a gamer tag. If you don't know what Cinnabon is, go watch a commercial for Burger King lol.

Only people that are donator and above can enter this.

All you have to do is one, pick a number 1-20 and post which one you want on the thread. ( ONLY ONE NUMBER PER PERSON )

And 2, PM me saying what number you picked. I will be choosing the number on random generator.org so it will be completely fair.

There are 20 spots. Good Luck!
1. Paranormal
2. Phenom [WINNER] http://gyazo.com/e0db5a2429390ea05331dd67c0f02076
3. Silence
4. Kev
5. fat fukka
6. Contest
7. Toy
8. Restore
9. Violence
10. Cops
11. Cyb3r
12. Shot
13. Swaggy
14. Phantom
15. Diamonds
16. Ford
17. Nice
18. Loyal
19. Spacious
20. Fend

The contest will be over once all the spots are filled up.
RE: First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

I will take number 11! Thanks ahead of time!
RE: First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

Ill take 17 Thanks Dura Btw It's Abdominal or My new tags zw6 and I1Q
RE: First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

Great gamertag, Great user, glad to have you back on the site and glad your my partner number 2 please buddy hope i win :).
RE: First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

I'll take #6.

Thanks for the giveaway, y0.
RE: First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

I'll take 8 I'm glad your back dura :).
RE: First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

I will take numero 8 please. Thank you:)
RE: First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

I'll take number #14 please.
Thanks for the giveaway Dura.
RE: First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

ill take number 1 thanks for this.
RE: First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

17 or if that's taken 7 , thanks dura , glg
RE: First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

Diamonds said:
I'll take 7. Thanks Dura :D

7 is already taken bro, sorry. pick another number
RE: First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

Put me in any number that has not been taken please! I don't think you've updated your list
RE: First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

Hope said:
I will take numero 8 please. Thank you:)

8 is already taken, hurry pick a number !
RE: First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

Cops said:
I'll take number #14 please.
Thanks for the giveaway Dura.

the number is already taken, pick again!
RE: First Contest!! GT: Cinnabon

I'll take number 20, thanks for the give away dude.
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