Welcome to another giveaway of mine, I am your host of course! The item in question today will be '[email protected]'. For those of you who don't know yet, Outlook is a domain from Microsoft that will be the new @Hotmail/Live shortly. There have been some commercials now on and off that I'm starting to see for the first time since I made these when I heard of that was news a few months back.
The winner will be chosen through the common random.org after 25 spots are filled that is as I want to give enough people a chance and this is basically the only way you could do it with something like this, I apologize.
1. Bend+
2. Beats+
3. Secluded
4. Paranormal
5. Macklemore
6. Dunk
7. Ariana
8. Mouth
9. The best
10. Comic
11. The Jinx
12. Optimus
13. BrickSquad
14. Chill+
15. Sleep
16. Avith
17. Kendrick Lamar
18. Care
19. ZacG
20. Curley is Gawd
21. Intelligent
22. Lazid http://ezcut.me/i/ce446.png PM Sent, congratulations.
23. FatBoy
24. Sliquifier
25. 47th
A special good luck to all participants.