Hello everyone of FK I have been here since the Christmas of 2011. I made an account on FK with the name of "AXE". I was some random that didn't even know how to secure shit. I learned a lot from users such as Quad, Dreams, Phenom and a lot of what I know is because of them. I bought a couple of things here and there.
I then changed my username to BIO because I thought it sounded cool. Around my birthday in April, I bought the tag Karachi. I kept that tag until late July until it got perm-banned. I started learning a lot more on the GT scene itself and the people who were known that were trusted.
After it got banned, I changed my alias to my trickshotting alias, "Dura", and I have kept it ever since. I wanted to thank a lot of people who have got me this far
- Dreams (First person I ever met with an OG. He was the coolest guy I knew and even trusted me with his Gamertag, "Anubis".
- Quad (Taught me almost everything I know, including how to secure any tag, who to deal with, and etc.)
- Phenom (Same as Quad. LOVE YOU )
- Superior or "Nice" (Helped me out with a lot of things, you are awesome I am sorry you had to go.)
- Bend (Really amazing friend)
AND anyone else who I forgot Im sorry I made this thread in a rush.
I joined FK in 2011. Made a lot of friends that I thank. How I started OGs.
1. Bend
2. Macklemore
3. Alex
4. Megaman
5. Beats
6. Hey
7. Ariana
8. Skept
10. Gr33d
11. Dreams
12. Joey
13. Melt
14. God
15. HaXoR
16. Shadow
17. Reptar
19. Brett
20. Cannibal
21. Devise
22. Poison
23. Paranormal
24. Diamonds
25. MinecraftGeek
I will use a random number generator. Whoever wins receives ONE 4000 MSP Code.
I then changed my username to BIO because I thought it sounded cool. Around my birthday in April, I bought the tag Karachi. I kept that tag until late July until it got perm-banned. I started learning a lot more on the GT scene itself and the people who were known that were trusted.
After it got banned, I changed my alias to my trickshotting alias, "Dura", and I have kept it ever since. I wanted to thank a lot of people who have got me this far
- Dreams (First person I ever met with an OG. He was the coolest guy I knew and even trusted me with his Gamertag, "Anubis".
- Quad (Taught me almost everything I know, including how to secure any tag, who to deal with, and etc.)
- Phenom (Same as Quad. LOVE YOU )
- Superior or "Nice" (Helped me out with a lot of things, you are awesome I am sorry you had to go.)
- Bend (Really amazing friend)
AND anyone else who I forgot Im sorry I made this thread in a rush.
I joined FK in 2011. Made a lot of friends that I thank. How I started OGs.
1. Bend
2. Macklemore
3. Alex
4. Megaman
5. Beats
6. Hey
7. Ariana
8. Skept
10. Gr33d
11. Dreams
12. Joey
13. Melt
14. God
15. HaXoR
16. Shadow
17. Reptar
19. Brett
20. Cannibal
21. Devise
22. Poison
23. Paranormal
24. Diamonds
25. MinecraftGeek
I will use a random number generator. Whoever wins receives ONE 4000 MSP Code.