A free soft ware to recover the pass word of G mail account is available on the net. There are many sites which are providing information about this programme. Now the point is with such programmes or soft wares available on the net how safe are our G mail accounts? Have you ever given a thought? Is there anything we can do about it? Please give your opinion about this soft ware ! Thanks !
I don't thing any one can recover our password through a software.,oh.,it may be gmail password hacker by this no one can recover our password,but can hack our gmail.
You maybe find softwares like that in internet. But sometimes if you were trying to have someone's password or in other term trying to hack them. The software you are using you dont know that it have virus or something like that. And maybe in the end youre the one whos been hacked.
You maybe find softwares like that in internet. But sometimes if you were trying to have someone's password or in other term trying to hack them. The software you are using you dont know that it have virus or something like that. And maybe in the end youre the one whos been hacked.
surely like earnnie said. there is no recovery and only hack. People post that programs was for making you interest for download, later you are their target.
maybe its only a fake or its a hack i dont trust a software or site like that, if i see that kind of software ill just ignore it.. no one can recover your passwords only the google/gmail can recover it but with secret questions, etc..