The human body receives external and internal signals which actively react to the different systems that regulate interaction with their environment. There are circumstances of daily life, especially in the employment context, which increases the magnitude of these reactions, preventing the channeling of energy and producing what we call stress.
What is stress?
Also known as "Burnout Syndrome", the stress is defined by scholars as the set of relationships emotional, cognitive, physiological and behavioral aspects to harmful work environment. This kind of stress directly affects the person's activity, performance and performance in this environment and is able to produce various symptoms such as anxiety, anger and depression.
Factors that cause
People with job stress perceived disability meet the demands of the environment generated by factors associated with the organization, environment, resources, or the individual's own capabilities. The most common causes of such stress are:
- Burden of responsibility indefinite or excessive. - Distribution de Tares unsuitable for the position or rank. - Lack of training of human resources, technology and information. - Poor selection of personnel. - Inadequate physical environment and space with poor lighting and noise pollution. - Imbalance of individual professional expectations and the reality of daily work.
The effects of stress vary according to each individual even those exposed to the same situation. However, in general can cause chronic fatigue, sleep alterations, gastrointestinal disturbances, weight loss, frequent headaches, depression, forgetfulness, disorganization, personal neglect, increased violent behavior and denial of emotions.
Avoid relying company and worker
You can reduce the stress level within the organization following a few simple recommendations at both organizational and personal level. Within the organization is important to identify stressors and make changes to counter them. Also, you must set the assignment and specific functions of each position defining the workload of each part of the organization. It should improve communications between different levels, setting priorities and achievable goals to provide adequate stimulation of human resources. On a personal level, the individual should try to improve your relationships while avoiding the mixing of labor with personal factors. It is also recommended that the worker logically organize their time, setting priorities and proposing realistic alternatives and specific problem.
Finally, to avoid stress is important to maintain a good lifestyle, eat a balanced diet and following a low physical activity routine for releasing tensions and maintain a good level of energy to perform well in the work environment, without harm your emotional health.