So guys, is it worth the 240m that I spent on dbones?
When I'm done, it should be 81-84 combat.
When I'm done, it should be 81-84 combat.
Amped- said:Woah, that's $240+, but uh, are you asking was it worth it, or IS it worth it?
Dykerosoft said:You will rape people.
papapopo said:Well you could make an amazing amount of cash considering if you can get a couple of pures to risk their claws if you're going to plan on staying at 84ish combat.
Aidan said:Eww 30 defence. 40 is where it's at.
Miss Hannah Minx said:Eww, tanks? Pures are where it's at.
Pogo said:I'd go 42/45 Defence, 30 is not worth it.
Tate said:It wasn't worth the dbones. It takes about 1/10th as long to do it with frost bones, unless your botting, in which case you shouldn't waste $240 to get banned.
M@$K said:You will be able to "Smite" claws from other pures. (By "smite" I only mean that you will be able to drop there prays so you can get there safe item"). You will rock the wildy.