If you have any questions or concerns contact my jabber: [email protected]
Prices for Booking flights, Hotels, Car rental, Tourist trips
We charge a flat rate of - 50%
- That's for Booking Flights or Hotels or Tourist trips
Car rentals are 60% due to bookings being short.
Currently, we are able to book anywhere except Flights for Africa.
Prices for US Concerts & Sports Events
We charge a flat rate of - 60%
Terms & Conditions
-You provide me with the information from where to where you want to fly and the date with name of hotel if needed.
-You make the payment.
-I book the ticket(s) or hotel reservation.
-I email you the e-ticket. You call the airline/hotel to confirm the reservation.
- No Time Waters
Prices for Booking flights, Hotels, Car rental, Tourist trips
We charge a flat rate of - 50%
- That's for Booking Flights or Hotels or Tourist trips
Car rentals are 60% due to bookings being short.
Currently, we are able to book anywhere except Flights for Africa.
Prices for US Concerts & Sports Events
We charge a flat rate of - 60%
Terms & Conditions
-You provide me with the information from where to where you want to fly and the date with name of hotel if needed.
-You make the payment.
-I book the ticket(s) or hotel reservation.
-I email you the e-ticket. You call the airline/hotel to confirm the reservation.
- No Time Waters