Wow i Fing swear this is the worst day ever

Well i have had a pretty bad day and just need to vent a little bit. Thanks if you read it, its cool of you don't.

So it all started off with me having to be on the bus for a tennis tournament at 5:30A.M. and having to be on the bus for about 2 and a half hours sucked pretty bad. So I am the number 1 boys tennis player on my team (which was the highlight of my day) so that meant I got off the bus and had to play. I go to a 2A high school and have to play another number 1 boy from a 5A high school who has won the tournament the past 3 years (they call him King Loui and had a crown for him at the tournament) and I got stomped.

So i sit around for about another 3 hours in the sun and its pretty hot. I talk to the girl of my dreams a little bit and let her borrow my shock absorber which was the other highlight of my day.My mom was there and we were watching the kid i had to play first because she didnt make it in time for my match even tho im glad because I really didnt want her to see that match. While we were watching the kid play her phone rings and its her sister. I wasnt really listening to the conversation but i heard my mom say "im going to a specialist on Monday" so when she hangs up I ask her about it. My mom had been avoiding to tell me that she has Glaucoma! I didnt really know what it was and I have seen the movie Due Date so the first thing out of my mouth was "isnt that where you get to smoke weed?" We kinda joked around about it but then it finally hit me that my mom has Glaucoma. My mom who I have looked up to her for so long and i know i cant see my family go through pain so don't really know how im going to handle this. She said she has some rare thing where something in her eye is off the charts strong so it may not make her go blind but i think she might have been just making stuff up for me. This really hit me hard.

So I get to my next match and im playing this fat ass kid that goes to a school we play a lot. I play some of the worst tennis of my match and lose. That pissed me off so much i threw my whole bag over the bleachers when i got off the court. Im pissed off and the girl of my dreams walks up to me and tries to give me my shock absorber back, and I tell her to keep it. And wasn't in the mood to talk but she really cheered me up. So at the end of the day i have this major sun burn on my face. So my mom got to take me home early from the tournament because I have One Act tomorrow and we had to take these 2 softball girls home which sucked because i really wanted to talk to my mom about her Glaucoma but couldn't in front of them.

Have any of yal gone through a parent having Glaucoma because i really want to know what my mom is going to go through from someone who has witnessed it.

TL:DR Played horrible ass tennis, found out mom has Glaucoma, and got a major sun burn