[WTB] Private tag - $1K budget


discord: aguny
Looking for a private tag to buy. In the range of $300-700, maybe more. Something to sit on, uh, forever.
@Basedgod if you still have that "i" tag, and would consider selling, I'd be highly interested lmk.

edit: Of course he's banned. anyone knows if he still has that tag? The opposite of legal.
RE: [WTB] Private tag

As far as I know, i tag is not for sale. Made a thread on it like a month ago. GL on find the tag you want though
RE: [WTB] Private tag

That tag got pulled from @Ty or something on here and had gotten both Critical and Basedgod banned even though Basedgod pulled it back.
I wouldn't fuck with that shit at all if I were you
RE: [WTB] Private tag

@Mortal no that was another tag, and @agony he does still own that tag, but he is banned.
RE: [WTB] Private tag

I have a decent tag for sale, it only has 1 console. Pm me if interested.
RE: [WTB] Private tag

Mortal said:
ah same shit. Either way he is a fuckboy who pulls shit back.

Moral of the story is, don't deal with him.

He only pulled it back because some asshole decided to scam him for 600$, whoever that guy is he is a fag
I don't know if this has already been said but that "i" tag was turbo'd off @Rude recently. DWC.
Agony said:
@Endurance I'm in the middle of the ocean with no service or wifi. I only communicate in PMs.

Oh okay I'll try to get 10 posts i guess