WTB Tag 150.


User is banned.
Helllllllo, I am looking to buy a tag. My budget is 150, slightly flexible.
I lowered my budget because i want a nice semi, as i have other things to spend my money on.
I prefer something that hasnt been on the market and or one with few to no consoles. However i will entertain all offers.

HMU peoples.
RE: WTB Tag 200$

pm me i might have a tag for 200 for you
RE: WTB Tag 200$

Look through my recent thread and let me know if you're interested in the tag. PM me if so.
RE: WTB Tag 200$

Bumping, looking to see what else is there, still thinking over some very nice offers, but hmu.
RE: WTB Tag 200$

The user Chance has a nice one for sale the bin is 250 !
RE: WTB Tag 200$

Bumping this because I'm back on the prowl for a tag. HMU
RE: WTB Tag 200$

I can hit you up with a cheap one, around $100 if interested.
RE: WTB Tag 200$

I Pmd you about that tag get back to me asap :p
RE: WTB Tag 250$

Budget is now 250, slightly flexible. HMU ladies.
RE: WTB Tag 250$

I have a spaced tag for 100 flat check my thread
RE: WTB Tag 250$

Bumping then sleeping. Will reply to anyone PMs tomorrow
RE: WTB Tag 250$

Bumping would like to find a tag soon, I know the market is dry.
RE: WTB Tag 250$

Bumping, still in search of a tagggyyy
RE: WTB Tag 250$

My offer is still on the table mate, HMU
I have a spaced tag that I'm looking to get rid off for $100.

It's: E n*bl*.
Bumping still looking for a clean semi, or anything really