wyatt got this dick


User is banned.
you're all welcome, i promise i didn't do anything illegal :\
ig- tr*sh, k*te
sc- g*ne, tw*
twit- i*g

merry Christmas people
Mac said:
Don't understand this thread at all. Explain it a bit?

i cannot explain it good sir that would resolve in me getting b&.
Beware said:
ooo i dink i no wot u did

u asked for them 4 free and since its kristmas he said sure

yeah kristmas gifts , luv u @"beware" hav a gud 1
Awe so nice of Wyatt to just give you his stuff for christmas!
Shiver said:
Awe so nice of Wyatt to just give you his stuff for christmas!
i know right man he's the best of the best
Beware said:
you should ask him for @/King and see if he has enough kristmas spirit to give it 2 u
>soon my nigga, soon

ill tell u the story i originally had @/king 
cc : http://instagram.com/kingwtflol123/
then wyatt tried to fuck me over with @\gu he linked his fb too it and tried to pull it back after me doing a deal with @"vob" on site,
so wyatt got the big black dong >
wyatt scammed me a LOT for that first ig, thank you jesus
$$$$$ said:
wyatt scammed me a LOT for that first ig, thank you jesus
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet nigga
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