Hello Forum Korner!
Today my goal is to start up a service that has not been seen on this forum before.
A Minecraft Building Service!
Some information about this Service-
You pay be to build what ever! I can build anything you want me too. Just supply me with a picture, Or a very detailed infomation while I make it.
I can anything from Minecraft animals with wool, To houses, To Mob spawners, To Slimefarms! Anything!
$5.00 for large structures
$2.50 for Small Structures
$5.00 for working.
$10.00 Total/$7.50 Total
Here is some pictures of my work- (Not the best quality photos)
Note- I didn't have any slimes spawned in At the moment, So I had the sticky piston to prove my slime farm works.
The mob spawner there is 2 sections
1- they fall and die and the loot goes to you,
2- they fall but don't die and you kill them (Good for when XP comes out)
I didn't get to get all of the stuff in my world, But if you would like a tour please PM me your GT and I will message you on XBL
Private message
AIM- Marketplac.e