Xbox 72 Hour Codes!


Power member.
got like 30 of these im going to sell them for $1 each or 1000 Koinz each pm me if you want to buy!​


These are 72 hour gold like 48 hour but 3 days!​
Could I get a vouch copy of one of these? Thanks babe.
Heyy is there a method out or something
Bane said:
Dude, the method got leaked. It's public.

Lol. The kid that posted this found it on ttg, it wasn't much of a secret.
Stop trying to sell these, just give them away or wait until its discontinued. Damn, talk about greedy. :/
Some kid made a thread on how to get these it's in the Xbox section, why would you sell these for 1k FK koins? That's just fucking retarded!
How do people obtain these codes? Is there a method?
Don't see this selling for more than .10 it only takes a few seconds to get
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